If you're planning to buy or sell an antique automobile, it's essential that you know how much the vehicle is worth. Antique car blue book values can help you determine what to ask or offer for a car as well as options and colors that were available and can add further value. Use price guides to get an idea of a car's value.
Kelley Blue Book for Used Cars
Over the years, the term "blue book" has come to be synonymous with the term "price guide." Since 1926, car buyers and sellers have used the Kelley Blue Book (KBB) to determine the values and pricing of new and used cars. Originally a trade publication, the first consumer edition of this popular used car price guide was published in 1993.
While KBB used to produce a twice-yearly blue book for antique car collectors (called Kelley Blue Book: Early Model Guide), they no longer provide it. However, an online tool is available for cars 25 years old and newer.
Price Guides for Antique Cars
While you may not be able to use KBB to determine the worth of your antique automobiles, there are other popular price guides and websites to find approximate values of classic and collectible cars.
NADA Guides
NADA (National Automobile Dealers Association) price guides are popular resources for anyone who is interested in car values and general information on most makes and models of automobiles. These appraisal guides have been a respected source of data and valuation information for decades although they have become more readily available since coming online in 2000.
There are separate NADA price guides for several groups of classic and antique cars. For example, options for Ford go all the way back to 1926. By following the prompts you can find the value of specific makes and models of antique, classic, and muscle cars, all for free.
Hagerty Insurance
Hagerty Insurance offers valuation tools for those interested in collectible cars starting from the late 1940s. Hagerty started as an exclusive source for antique and classic car insurance. Since this requires a value placed on the vehicle, they have expanded to offer valuation guides for free online. You can search by year, make, or vehicle identification number. With a free account, you can see values over time, save makes and models, and use other features.
Hagerty also offers a three-times-yearly valuation guide for paying subscribers that gives four values based on the car's condition. Single copies are also available.
Billing itself as "the world's largest collector car marketplace," Hemmings offers a wealth of data about vintage and antique automobiles. In addition to classified ads and current dealer listings, you can check out your car's value by searching the Hemmings online price guide. Simply put in the make, model and year of the car you're interested in and they give you a low, high, and average price based on recent sales and advertising for the last three years. This service is free; they also link to Hagerty's valuation as well.
They also publish various guides and magazines, including Hemmings Classic Car.
Collector Car Market Review

Values for each car featured in Collector Car Market Review are obtained through auction results, the company's Value-Track® database, sales reports, government data, and new car inventory levels and incentives. You can find some basic value information online by selecting the car's make, followed by year and model.
Available at newsstands, in print and digital subscriptions, or as single issues, Collector Car Market Review features profiles of certain cars, styles, and periods. While articles are available on their website, you'll need to buy an actual guide to get the information you need about your particular car.
Mecum Auctions
Mecum Auctions is billed as the world's largest car auction company. Their website offers listings of auction sales and prices, along with information about each of the top 10 sold cars from the auctions Mecum has held since 2011. You can also search past auctions back to 2007; select the year and auction location, or simply search "All Past" with details. You can get an idea of what a model might be worth based on similar models in like conditions.
The site also offers photos and details of upcoming auctions.
Although AntiqueCar.com doesn't offer official vehicle values, it does provide a lot of helpful information for determining what your car is worth. The classified section of the website, which is free to access, offers a snapshot of classic and antique cars currently on the market. You can search for cars similar to yours to get a general idea about your car's value.
Using Antique Car Value Guides
Whether your interest is in a vintage Model A Ford, a 1969 Chevy Camaro muscle car, or a classic 1959 Edsel, knowing where to find antique car values provides every car enthusiast with important information. If you're buying a classic automobile, knowing its value will help you understand what to offer during negotiations. If you're selling your antique car, you'll know how much to ask. Either way, you'll have a clear idea of your vehicle's value on the antique car market.