Leaded Window in a German Church

The exquisite antique leaded glass windows so popular among collectors today were made possible by an Englishman by the name of George Ravencroft. In 1676 he discovered that he could add lead oxide to glass and it would sparkle with magnificent brilliance.
The beautiful leaded window is in the door of the Nordic Stave Church located in Hannenklee, Germany.
Antique Leaded Glass Windows

Triple leaded glass windows look magnificent in this beautiful old rock church built in approximately 1180-1275 during the Early English period. The church located in Norfolk, England, is the Little Snoring Church.
Window in an Old House

Set in an old unpainted window frame, the antique leaded window adds charm to the old house.
Ornate Church Window

Located in Rochester, New York, this beautiful and ornate window made of leaded stained glass stands in gorgeous contrast to the gray sandstone of the church building.
17th Century Town Hall

The highly decorative facade, complete with red wooden shutters and leaded glass windows, is located in the Main Square in Delft, The Netherlands. Built in the 17th century, the building is the City Town Hall.
Victorian House Window

Lilacs in full bloom frame the leaded glass window of a beautiful old Victorian house.
Leaded Glass Church Door

The circular pattern of this leaded glass window is the top of a door in the Vor Frue Kirke, or Church of Our Lady, located in Aarhus, Denmark.

A London, England, public house advertises their spirits on an antique leaded glass sign located in their window.
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Arched Church Window

Sunflowers look beautiful under the ornate design of the arched lead and stained glass church window. The church is located in a small village in Oudeschild, Texel (Noord-Holland), Netherlands.
Round Chapel Window

A beautiful and highly detailed leaded glass window in a small chapel located in Tuscany, Italy.
Visit the LoveToKnow article Antique Moser Glass to read about a lovely decorative type of highly collected glassware made during the 1800s.