Antique Decanters

Collecting Antique Decanters

Antique decanters were used to hold everything from wine to perfume. They come in a wide array of colors, sizes, and types which makes collecting them an easy and enjoyable hobby. They are available in many colors, sizes, and price ranges.

This cordial set is Bohemian Art Glass, made in Bavaria, probably in the first decade of the 1900s.

Vaseline Glass Decanter

This late Victorian decanter is made from Vaseline Glass, also known as Uranium glass. It has minute amounts of uranium in it and will glow under a black light. Antique decanters made from this type of glass are not dangerous. There isn't enough radiation to be a problem.

Victorian Claret Jug

The Victorians were fond of embellishment as well as Greek mythology. This claret jug features Bacchus, the god of wine, as well as a mermaid fashioned into the scrolled, heavily detailed handle. Antique decanters like this one were meant to hold claret, a sweet after dinner wine.

Art Glass Perfume Decanter

An early 20th century perfume decanter made from art glass is a beautiful addition to any collection. Art glass was created in many interesting colors and forms and often used for perfume decanters because it did not allow sunlight in to damage the delicate chemical balance of the fragrance.

Pressed Glass Whiskey Decanter

Every well-outfitted Victorian gentleman's parlor held a few pressed glass or crystal whiskey decanters. These antique decanters are sturdy and well made and are still in use in many bars, pubs, and homes today.

Early Art Deco Claret Jug

This claret jug shows more of an Art Deco influence than similar claret jugs produced earlier in the Victorian period. Grapes and Deco styled leaves decorate the top.

Blue Bohemian Art Glass

Bohemian Art Glass was a favorite of the Victorians. Antique decanters, claret jugs, cordial sets, and other beverage items were part of most wealthy households.

Display your decanters in groups and behind glass cabinet doors if possible. While the cut and Early American Pressed Glass types are often very durable collections featuring Moser and other art glass are not. By keeping them in a lighted cabinet you can show your collection off while keeping it safe and clean.

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Antique Decanters